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0118 315 2122
9am - 5:30pm Monday - Friday
We recommend that you use our extra small planters as windowsill planters, or for other indoor use. Our extra small range includes our kitchen herb gardens, as well as other small plant pots.
Our Zinc planters are made up of aluzinc, which is a lighter alternative to the traditional steel planters. Aluzinc is a combination of aluminium and zinc, which has been hot-dipped to increase its durability. These planters are lighter, allowing for easier usage and allow them to be moved about gardens.
Our planters are handpainted, piece by piece. They have two coats of paint, with a 12 hour wait period between the coats.
Your wooden planter has been pressure treated, which is considered to be the most effective form or wood treatment. This means your planter is more durable and sturdy, and is more protected against wood rot.
An extra small planter can be used for a wide variety of plants, such as flowers, potatoes or peace lilies.