How to use a Potato Barrel to grow your own Potatoes
Growing your own potatoes in a woven wood barrel is a fun and rewarding experience, allowing you to enjoy fresh, homegrown potatoes throughout the season. Here's a step-by-step guide to get you started:
1. Choose your location:
- Select a sunny spot that receives at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day.
- Ensure the area is well-drained and protected from strong winds.
- If you're using a patio or deck, choose a sturdy location that can support the weight of the barrel and growing potatoes.
2. Prepare the barrel:
- Line the bottom of the barrel with a layer of drainage material, such as gravel, broken terracotta pots, or landscape fabric. This allows excess water to drain and prevents root rot.
- Fill the bottom 1/3 of the barrel with a good quality potting mix suitable for vegetables. You can also create your own mix using compost, garden soil, and sand.
3. Planting the potatoes:
- Choose certified seed potatoes suitable for container growing. Choose varieties that mature early or are compact, like 'Swift' or 'Yukon Gold.'
- Cut the potatoes into pieces with at least one "eye" on each piece. Let the cut pieces dry for a few hours before planting.
- Plant the potato pieces with the "eyes" facing upwards, about 2-3 inches deep. Space the pieces 4-6 inches apart.
- Cover the planted potatoes with more potting mix, leaving about 4 inches of space from the top of the barrel.
4. Watering and care:
- Water the potatoes regularly, keeping the soil moist but not soggy. Aim for about 1 inch of water per week.
- As the potato plants grow, add more potting mix to the barrel as the stems elongate. This encourages the potatoes to form underground.
- Fertilize the plants once a month with a balanced fertilizer diluted to half strength.
- Watch out for pests and diseases like potato blight. Use organic methods like neem oil or insecticidal soap to control them.
5. Harvesting your potatoes:
- When the potato plants start to flower and the leaves die back, it's time to harvest!
- You can use our handy latch to expose the potatoes. Dig carefully into the soil around the base of the barrel to find the potatoes.
- Choose the potatoes that are firm and have reached the desired size.
- Store the harvested potatoes in a cool, dark place with good ventilation.
Additional tips:
- You can plant additional vegetables like herbs or lettuce around the base of the potato plants for companion planting benefits.
- If you live in a colder climate, consider bringing the barrel indoors before the first frost to protect the potatoes from freezing.
- Reuse the potting mix and barrel for another season after harvesting the potatoes.
With proper care and attention, your Woven Wood Potato Barrel can provide you with a delicious and rewarding harvest of homegrown potatoes. Enjoy the process and savor the fresh taste of your hard work!